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Simple Minds verlegen in den März 2021

Die Daten sind:

7. März Bielefeld - Lokschuppen

20. März Münster - MCC Halle Münsterland

Eintrittskarten behalten ihre Gültigkeit. Hier das Statement der Band zur Verlegung der Termine:

We are pleased to announce that the Simple Minds 40 Years Of Hits shows in Germany and France have been rescheduled to February and March 2021 (see new dates below). We also announce that, in line with other countries, the Swiss government has now banned large events so the date in Zurich (March 25) has also been postponed to March 3, 2021. If you have already bought tickets for the 2020 shows your tickets are still valid for the new shows. Keep safe everyone and we hope to see you soon! Simple Minds HQ